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Chris Sale Traded To Boston Red Sox

Chris Sale Traded to Boston Red Sox

Sox Swap White for Red

Sale Sent to Boston After 7 Seasons in Chicago

Chris Sale's tenure with the Chicago White Sox came to an end on Tuesday when he was traded to the Boston Red Sox. Sale, a five-time All-Star and two-time strikeout champion, spent the past seven seasons with the White Sox, helping them win the 2015 American League Central division title.

The trade was first reported by ESPN's Jeff Passan and later confirmed by both teams. The Red Sox will send a package of prospects to the White Sox in exchange for Sale, who is under contract through the 2019 season.

Sale is one of the most dominant pitchers in baseball and will be a major addition to the Red Sox rotation. He has a career record of 114-62 with a 3.00 ERA and 1,647 strikeouts.
